Domus de Janas in Sardinia
Domus de Janas ("fairy houses") are tombs from the time of the Ozieri culture, which were build into the rocks and only visible from the outside through their small windows, which can let you think of small fairy houses. Their typical T-shape is obtained through a long corridor and an vestibule with attached burial chambers. They occur mainly in the Sassari region in north-west Sardinia.
Necropolis of Monte Siseri
The necropolis of Monte Siseri is one of the most important archaeological sites in north-western Sardinia. The complex consists of four Domus de Janas, which were built in tufa stone. Outstanding is the tomb of S'Incantu (of enchantment) with its architecture and coloured decorations. The high artistic level is extraordinary for the Neolithic Age. We head there and after 20 min drive from Alghero we reach the necropolis of Monte Siseri in the municipality Putifigari. A wooden sign indicates a brick building that serves as a protective structure.
Domus de Janas di S’Incantu
By passing the narrow entrance into the Domus, we first reach a long corridor and at its end a rectangular room. Here are fake doors depicted in the stone at the side walls. Behind this room you get into the impressive main room. It is decorated like a residential building: two pillars "support" the roof, which is artistically decorated with beams and crossbeams. One can still guess the black and red painting. Here is again a fake door with double frames above which bull symbols are carved. There is a depression on the floor surrounded by four circles, probably for sacrifices made to the dead. These rested in the two niches that are accessible through the side windows in this room.
Archeological sites in the surroundings
Leaving the Domus, we recognize several chapels and tubs in the ledges, as well as a series of canals that prevent the tomb from being flooded by rainwater. We enjoy the raw nature for a moment and take a deep breath. On the way back to the car, a cow passes our path and looks at us curiously. A day full of impressions!

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