Sardinia, a unique experience

Hiking in Sardinia: A true hiking paradise between mountain and sea

In the Supramonte of Urzulei - on the road from Urzulei to Dorgali - is the nature reserve Sa Portiscra (Sa Portisca). Here you can take a look at the Oasi faunistica del cervo sardo (oasis for the Sardinian deer) and the authentic shepherd's huts at an altitude of 800 meters, but also take a beautiful nature walk with a guide (bookable through us) at an altitude of 800 meters. Sa Portisca, a true hiking paradise in Sardinia between mountain and sea.

"Real" Sardinia

When you talk about Sardinia, most people immediately think of summer, sea and sun. However, the island also offers countless possibilities for active holidaymakers, including hikers. Just follow one of the country roads from the coast and before you know it you will find yourself in the “real world” of Sardinia. A still to be discovered part of the island with untouched nature, small mountain villages, many traditions and almost secret hiking routes. Sa Portiscra is a wonderful example of this.

Fantastic view over a green valley

The Sa Portisca Natural Park is not far from the SS125 road. Thanks to the three high stone pillars along the road, the entrance is hard to miss. If you only want to go on a short hiking tour, you can also drive the first few kilometers by car to the park entrance. The road is generally in good condition but can be a bit bumpy and with potholes. The view on the way over the green valley is fantastic and with a bit of luck you will encounter herds of goats that graze here in complete freedom.

Deer, mouflons, wild boars, foxes and eagles

Just before the entrance of the oasi there are some parking spaces and you will find a large sign with information about Sa Portisca and the deer park. The approximately 10 hectare nature reserve owes its name to the reintroduction of the Sardinian deer after the extinction of this animal species around the twentieth century. In addition to deer, Sa Portiscra is also home to many other animal species, including mouflons, wild boars, foxes and eagles.

Traditional shepherd's huts in the Barbagia

f you walk a few meters further you will see a beautiful first example of a coile on the left. Coiles are typical of the Barbargia region and in the past served as a shelter for shepherds who often spent days on the road with their livestock. The circular huts were built from limestone and covered with mainly juniper branches. Inside, a fire could be lit which served as a heat source, but also used to easily roast the meat. In the meantime, the shepherds have returned to their houses in the villages. Various shepherd's huts are still scattered around the island and are still used by tourists who make a shepherd's hut tour on foot through Sardinia.

Forest path through rugged nature

Right behind the hut is the fort house. With a bit of luck, the park attendant will be there and - just like me - will treat you a glass of house wine - a strong red mountain wine from their own production! The deer feeding station is located directly at the house. As you always want to learn these unique animals from close by, you have to look very calmly here. Or make a trip through the wildlife park into the forest. The forest path is beautiful and takes you through a very beautiful and unspoilt part of Sardinia. Enjoy a pleasant silence along the way - really relaxed!


Another very impressive route is to the right of the ranger's house. You walk past the second cuile on the site and then you can follow the small signs to a beautiful panoramic point. The walking route is easy to do with good walking shoes, but it has more boulders compared to the forest path. After half an hour of walking through nature you arrive at a truly unique place. Thanks to the height you have a phenomenal view over the valley from this point. In clear weather you can glimpse the Su Gorropu gorge in the distance on the right and Codula di Luna and the bay of Orosei on the left. An absolute must!

Hiking Sa Portisca

• Easy walks, also suitable for kids and four-legged friends
• Unmarked walking route
• Duration as desired
• Picnic areas available
• Remember to bring enough water

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