Tomba dei Giganti in Sardinia
The Giant Tombs (Sardinian: tumbas de sos zigantes / is gigantis) are collective burials of the Bonnanaro culture (2200-1600 BC) and occur throughout Sardinia. The sites with monolithic stones embedded in the earth are among the latest megalithic sites in Europe.

Composition and construction
These tombs consist of a burial chamber, that is up to 30 meters in length and up to 3 meters in height. Originally the burial chamber was covered by a mound. The front was delimited by a semicircle and in its middle stood a partially up to 4 meters high, decorated stone, whose opening in the lower area represented the portal to the dead. There are two different types of Giant Tombs: Among the older ones are the sites with vertically erected monoliths. In later installations, the front consisted of a wall, that was made of layered stone blocks and raised to the middle part. Altogether 321 still impressive graves are still preserved today. We visited two of them.

Tomba dei giganti di Pascaredda
This Giant Tomb is located southwest of Calangianus, 45 minutes from Olbia . The site is one of the older complexes, marked by the erected monoliths. These form an unusually wide exedra of over 18 meters. Also the portal stone with the usual frame ornament is unusually wide. Since the stone is unusually short, it is unclear if not yet an upper part had existed. The burial chamber behind it is an elongated room covered with lintels, of which 12 are still preserved.

Tomba dei giganti di Coddu Vecchiu
This Giant Tomb is located southwest of Calangianus, 45 minutes from Olbia . The site is one of the older complexes, marked by the erected monoliths. These form an unusually wide exedra of over 18 meters. Also the portal stone with the usual frame ornament is unusually wide. Since the stone is unusually short, it is unclear if not yet an upper part had existed. The burial chamber behind it is an elongated room covered with lintels, of which 12 are still preserved.

Tomba Dei Giganti di Is Concias
The tomb is located on the western slope of the Sette Fratelli Mountains and can be reached fromCagliari in 40 minutes. The complex belongs to the later form of the Tomba dei Giganti and has a masoned facade. In the middle of the approximately 10m wide exedra is the entrance to the 8 m long burial chamber. On the right side of the entrance is a cult stone, depicting is probably a deity. The height of the burial chamber with a pointed roof decreases towards the back: from a maximum of 2.10 m at the entrance to a minimum of 1.70 m at the end.

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Timo G. Lutz
Timo G. Lutz